What we Do

Thank you for visiting our residential pool customer page. We appreciate that you have taken the time to look at the services we offer and consider allowing us to deliver perfect water to you all summer.
What we do:
Our service is specialized in that we only test and treat your water. By allowing Pool Water Experts, LLC to test, maintain, and treat your pool water all summer, you are making a commitment to provide the cleanest, clearest, healthiest, and most inviting water for your family, relatives, friends, and neighbors to enjoy all summer long. You also will have the peace of mind that comes with hiring a company that does only one thing but can devote all its time and resources to being the best at it. This is how our service works:
Immediately after your pool is opened for the summer season, our technicians go to work. We visit your pool every week until it is closed. During each visit we test your water using a LaMotte Mobile WaterLink®. This is the same machine that is used in almost every pool store to test water and is the best testing equipment on the market today. We literally have a rolling lab we bring to you each week. During every test we check your water levels for Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, Cyanuric Acid, Calcium Hardness, and Borates. We also test your pool three times per season for phosphates. All adjustments, including adding salt for salt water pools, are done after testing. A maintenance dose of algaecide, clarifier, and metal out are added weekly as well.
We also backwash your pool on the first visit of each month but will be backwashed if needed on ANY visit (after a big party, etc). Your pump basket is emptied, and your skimmer(s) are emptied and lined with a fresh skimmer sock each visit (see picture to left). We also perform a perfunctory check of all pool equipment and area for any leaks or need for repairs (Although we do not provide service for leaks or repairs, we will inform you of any issues we notice). After each visit a report is generated and sent to you.
What we DO NOT DO:
We do not vacuum pools.
Benefits to hiring Pool Water Experts:
- We deliver perfect water to you all summer long.
- We provide the best protection from Recreational Water Illnesses.
- Your water quality is great all summer long.
- When your water is properly balanced, your pool and its equipment last longer, saving you money.
- A pool season in New Jersey is only about 100 days long and we allow you to enjoy it to the fullest.
- You will not find this level of service or dedication to your water anywhere else.
- Your family and friends will be happy you chose us.
Please Consider Us:
We hope you will consider hiring with us to provide you with the highest level of water quality possible. If you would like to discuss our service further, please fill it out our CONTACT FORM and we will contact you. You can also email us directly at [email protected]. We urge you to contact us if interested as early as possible. We have a limited number of pools we will be able to add to our routes this summer and will fill them on a first come, first served basis. Thank you and we look forward to a long-term business relationship with you.
Thank you,
Robert Flynn